Rabbi Elan Babchuck
Who you are in the field…
Several weeks ago I was teaching Torah to a group of students from around the country that has met weekly … Continue Reading
When Faith Preempts Facts
Our Torah is filled with stories of remarkable courage, leaps of faith, and ventures into the unknown. From Abraham leaving … Continue Reading
Everything I need to know about dying with dignity I learned from a houseplant
Life lessons from a dying plant
And I Did Not Know…
“I GOT ONE!” With the recent announcement by the CDC that the Pfizer vaccine has been approved for children ages … Continue Reading
Once-in-a-Decade Revelations
Every year at Shavuot, Jewish communities all around the world celebrate the giving of Torah with raucous gatherings, enormous slabs … Continue Reading
How I Quit Multitasking
Multitasking has been proven again and again to be completely self-defeating. So… how do we defeat multitasking instead of letting it defeat us?
Let’s Make Tuesdays Truthful
Is it possible to make Facebook an authentic, real experience? Maybe let’s start with once a week.
How To Savor Each Moment Without Becoming A Hedonist
How a moment with his son helped Elan learn to appreciate the moment while tempering it with this wisdom of age.