And Prayers
Prayer does not absolve us from seeing the world as broken and recognizing that human beings are indeed capable of terrible acts.
Prayer does not absolve us from seeing the world as broken and recognizing that human beings are indeed capable of terrible acts.
The first year of grief is time spent in a different country, a time of wild disjunctions and unfamiliar rhythms, … Continue Reading
Logotherapy is a process based on Frankl’s theories that is used to help patients find their greater sense of meaning.
What is the true meaning of the mourner’s Kaddish?
The death of a grandparent can be traumatic to children of any age, especially during the pandemic.
This week’s Torah portion always gets me in the gut. It’s the story of Jacob returning to his long-estranged brother … Continue Reading
Reflections on a father’s gambling habit and resiliency during the pandemic.