Science, Roadblocks and MTV: Our Week in Wisdom

On The Wisdom Daily this week (Aug. 31-Sept. 4), we discussed the walls people put up to feel safe, the myth that failures are negative setbacks, the challenge of finding gun violence solutions, the pop culture spectacle distracting a generation, a religious freedom controversy… and more. Did you grow wiser this week? We hope The Wisdom Daily played a part.


RoadClosed.620The Gift of Recognizing What’s In Your Way?- Rachel Barenblat

As an MFA student at Bennington many years ago, I had a poetry mentor named Jason Shinder who used to say, “Whatever gets in the way of the work, is the work.” Whatever is getting in the way of writing poems, that’s precisely what I need… READ MORE


EndlessCandles.620Is ‘Beginner’s Mind’ Helpful in Reducing Gun Violence??- Irwin Kula

The brazen shooting near Roanoke, Va., that killed local TV reporter Alison Parker and cameraman Adam Ward during an on-air interview with Vicki Gardner (who was critically wounded) immediately evoked all the conventional tropes… READ MORE


VMAMileyPink.620America, Do We Have A (VMA) Problem? – Brad Hirschfield

MTV’s 2015 Video Music Awards was the most tweeted (non-Super Bowl) event since…wait for it…tracking ever began! Really? Even if it were only the most tweeted event since this year’s Super Bowl, I’d say we have a problem. I mean, I rarely… READ MORE


Edited.Experiment.620Failure Is, In Fact, Always an Option – Geoff Mitelman

Since science is based on testing and retesting hypotheses, several psychology researchers recently sought to replicate some key findings from three prestigious journals, on topics such as free will, emotional closeness and… READ MORE


WalkerWall.620Imprisoned by Insecurity – Brad Hirschfield

Although I’m writing about presidential candidate Scott Walker today, and indeed I’m writing about border security, this post is not about politics. It’s about how our search for most any kind of security – be it national, cultural or personal – can actually… READ MORE


ShirleyManson.Yellow.620 copyCreativity, Decisions and More: Must-Read Links – TWD

Each week, we come across wise writing to share with The Wisdom Daily community. Today our favorite picks from around the web cover: singer Shirley Manson’s role as a rock icon, the powerful perspective of a gun violence journalist, the ethos of… READ MORE


KimDavisKentucky.620Religious Freedom vs. Imposing Your Faith on Others – Brad Hirschfield

From Odyssey Networks’ Faith on the Record series: A clerk in Kentucky has been jailed for refusing to issue marriage licenses in accordance with the law. Kim Davis not being allowed to impose her view on others actually guarantees the religious liberty… READ MORE



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