How The Batting Cage Prepared Me For The Jewish New Year
The batting cage helped me regain my confidence and get back to writing High Holiday sermons.
The batting cage helped me regain my confidence and get back to writing High Holiday sermons.
Not knowing who the attendees will be at an upcoming conference has made me uncomfortable… but maybe that’s a good thing.
Although I have worked hard at being a compassionate person, I may have reached my limit.
A Christian parable provides comforting reassurance of God’s presence during rough times.
When life forces you to make an unexpected turn, remember to be patient with yourself.
Part of me wants to throw up my hands and scream, “Do we really live in this world? A world where beliefs reign over facts?”
It’s Yom Kippur: time for my annual sermon. And time, as always, for introspection.
It is August. We are in-between. In the liminal space between what was and what will be.
When the exact same experience can lead to two different realities. And the choice we have in picking the better one.