The Top 5 Posts Of 2017

What an inspirational year it’s been on The Wisdom Daily!  We have been fortunate to be guided by both fresh new voices and the insightful words of our long-time writers.  Both have looked to the present, the past, and deep within themselves to discover valuable pieces of wisdom to share with us.

Here are the top 5 pieces that you, our dear readers, have most enjoyed in 2017.

A Prayer For The President I Didn’t Vote For: While admitting he did not support his ascent to power, Matthew Gewirtz offers a heartfelt prayer for the health, family, and spirit of President Trump.

Billy Joel Wore Yellow Stars At His Concert Yesterday. Why It Matters: Brad Hirschfield reflects on the significance of seeing Billy Joel, a performer who has typically eschewed political matters, come on stage wearing yellow Holocaust stars.

The Woman Who Killed to Save Jews From The Nazis: Rebecca Odessa describes the life of Marion Pritchard, a Dutch woman who saved the lives of hundreds of Jews by operating outside the bounds of civil law and standard ethical behavior.

How Moshe Feldenkrais Reminds Me That Life Is An Adventure: Ilona Fried tells how the life and lessons of Moshe Feldenkrais, the creator of the revolutionary Feldenkrais Method of Movement, have helped her make sense of her own non-traditional life path.

Susie: Memories Of My Sister: With the unexpected death of his younger sister, Peter Himmelman is plunged into a deeply introspective journey through both his past and present life.

Thank you for your continued support of The Wisdom Daily.  We look forward to providing you with even more valuable gems of wisdom in the upcoming year.  Happy 2018!

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