On The Wisdom Daily this week (June 15-19), we delved into wise quotes about fatherhood, the ethics we face on the frontiers of genetic science, the innocence of kids as they start comprehending anti-semitism, the tradition of fathers “passing on” their name to future generations, and the house of worship devastated by gun violence in South Carolina. Did you grow wiser this week? We hope The Wisdom Daily played a part.
Ten Dads, in Detail: Wise Words – TWD
Father’s Day (June 21) is close at hand, so we’re sharing ten uplifting, funny and poignant insights about the fatherhood experience – kicking off the list with two quotes from our co-founders, Brad Hirschfield and Irwin Kula. Whether you… READ MORE
What’s in a (Father’s) Name? – Brad Hirschfield
In the words of William Shakespeare: “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose/By any other name would smell as sweet.” Juliet, by inviting Romeo to deny his father’s name and be “baptized” instead as her lover, is arguing that names don’t really matter… READ MORE
Explaining Anti-Semitism to my Young Kids – Hilarie Pitman Pozesky
Growing up in the rural Midwest, it’s hard to say what was more foreign to me – Judaism or the ever-elegant Paris. Now, middle-aged and living in a big city, I’m well acquainted with both. I first visited Paris on my honeymoon. I was a new convert to Judaism… READ MORE
Knowledge Is Power. So How Do We Use It? – Lisa Ortuno
Imagine a young couple, happily anticipating the birth of their first child. Only a few months are left before the big day, when a sonogram reveals an anomaly – maybe in the formation of the skull, or the kidneys. Something isn’t quite right… READ MORE
In Charleston, Nine ‘Worlds’ Ended – Brad Hirschfield
From Odyssey Networks’ Faith on the Record series: When is the right time to ask the questions I have about this week’s massacre in Charleston? Today, if we are truly one human family, we can certainly agree on one indisputable fact – each of the good people slain was a whole world to those who loved them… READ MORE

Here at The Wisdom Daily (TWD), we feature spiritual insights on daily life, designed to help improve and enhance our relationships with ourselves, our families and the world around us.