Fish, Phones and Bumper Stickers: Our Week in Wisdom

On The Wisdom Daily this week (May 18 – May 22), we explored bumper sticker irony, the tech industry’s strong push to keep private smartphone data protected from government overreach, the longing to spend our time and energy on purposeful endeavors, and the candid new video giving young Black men and boys a voice. Did you grow wiser this week? We hope The Wisdom Daily played a part.


JesusBumperSticker.620Coexisting Beyond Bumper Stickers – Brad Hirschfield

Walking with a friend the other day, I noticed these bumper stickers on the back of a car, and I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Okay, so I laughed – really hard – and then without crying, was actually kind of pained. Before telling you what I think… READ MORE


DailyWrap.BradHirschfield.620Will the U.S. Be Smart About Smartphone Privacy? – Brad Hirschfield

As government officials consider how to meet law enforcement’s need for access to data – now increasingly encrypted on personal devices – Google, Apple and 140 other tech firms are pushing back. In an appeal to the Obama administration, they argue that “strong encryption is the cornerstone of the modern… READ MORE


Skipjacks.SellingSelling Something to Believe In – Elan Babchuck

Moments after the first tower fell, a group of unknowing waiters in Boston unlocked the doors of Skipjack’s Seafood Emporium and began the tedious labor of setting up for Tuesday lunch. Fold napkins, brew coffee, bake rolls… I know these tasks, because I did every one of them, countless times, for four years of my life… READ MORE


Maddox.NewYorkTimes.620.BGetting Real About the Black Experience – Irwin Kula

I was in Baltimore recently for a bar mitzvah. The site of our last racial hot zone, Baltimore is still reeling from the recent unrest, while at the same time, people I spoke with repeatedly told me things are returning “back to normal”… READ MORE


Wisdom News LinksWisdom on Gossip, the Future and More: Must-Read Links – TWD

Where can wisdom be found? In many voices, both familiar and those that may be new to you. Here are five of our favorite inspiring, eye-opening reads from recent publications and blogs. Check out the links – may they provide wise insights… READ MORE


WeddingRings.620 The Push-and-Pull Over the Meaning of Marriage – Brad Hirschfield

From Odyssey Networks’ Faith on the Record series: While Ruth Bader Ginsburg was officiating a recent same-sex wedding, Franklin Graham was urging his flock to pray for a court ruling against marriage equality. It’s important to remember that our civil laws aren’t meant to adhere to religious laws… READ MORE


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