On The Wisdom Daily this week (April 20-24), we took a look at what may finally be slowing the pace of the tech revolution, how we rationalize our decisions to make sacrifices, why Israeli food represents more than local flavor, what keeps us from seeing our neighbors in need, and where women are rebelling against religious rules. Did you grow wiser this week? We hope The Wisdom Daily played a part.
If Our Tech Revolution Slows Down, What’s Next? – Brad Hirschfield
Fifty years ago this week, an important prediction by Intel co-founder Gordon Moore was made. Had “Moore’s Law” not come true, none of our lives would be the same today. Imagine little or no access to computers, no smart phones, no digital media… READ MORE
When We Self-Sacrifice, What Really Motivates Us? – Geoff Mitelman
Last week, I had to write a rather large check to the United States Treasury, and since my wife and I would really like to redo our house in the next few years, giving up all that money was very painful. But I doubt I’m alone in that feeling. Every American taxpayer… READ MORE
Israel Independence Day: Celebrating a Country Worth Loving – Brad Hirschfield
As the celebration of Israel’s 67th birthday begins I, like millions around the world, proudly join in that celebration. Like any 67-year-old, the modern State of Israel is not perfect; it carries… READ MORE
Our Neighbor’s Suffering – Ami Nahshon
How could it be that, in this richest country at the richest time in human history, some 49 million Americans are hungry, including 33 million adults and 16 million children??In New York City alone, 1.4 million – disproportionately represented by women, children… READ MORE
The Violent Reaction to Women of the Wall – Brad Hirschfield
From Odyssey Networks’ Faith on the Record series: This week, some visitors at the Western Wall in Jerusalem reacted violently when members of the advocacy group Women of the Wall defied traditional (gender-based) restrictions on public prayer. An angry riot… READ MORE

Here at The Wisdom Daily (TWD), we feature spiritual insights on daily life, designed to help improve and enhance our relationships with ourselves, our families and the world around us.