Yale, Evolution and Turkey Time: Our Week in Wisdom

On The Wisdom Daily this week (Nov. 9-13), we examined the tendency to increase our pace when slowing down may bring more contentment, the anticipation of joyful Thanksgiving gatherings, the surprising moments when violence seems natural and necessary, the trend among non-scientists to question evolution… and more. Did you grow wiser this week? We hope The Wisdom Daily played a part.


Too Much, Too Fast- Why We Need to Pause in LifeToo Much, Too Fast: Why We Need to Pause in Life – Min Kantrowitz

One day, I realized I’d never seen a semi-colon as part of a tweet, those compact teasers of communication brought to us by Twitter. It made me think differently about the relationship between time and communication, the way time seems… READ MORE


yaleStudent Activism at Yale: Rethinking What Is Worthy of Our Outrage – Irwin Kula

Are you following the drama of the costume scandal transpiring at Yale University? I don’t know whether to laugh or cry but something is off on our campuses. Here’s the story… READ MORE


What Makes Thanksgiving the Happiest DayWhat Makes Thanksgiving the Happiest Day? – Andrew Jacobs

Thanksgiving is upon us. Soon, we’ll be shopping for Thanksgiving dinner, buying more than 50 million turkeys and spending more than $2.8 billion at the grocery store. Over 25 million people will hop on an airplane and millions more will hit the road… READ MORE


Is Violence Ever OkIs Violence Ever Okay? – Tsafi Lev

Generally speaking, I abhor violence. I’d like to think that if I was an adult back in 1967, I would have joined the Flower Power movement and stuck flowers in the rifles of national guardsmen at the National Mall as a protest of war. For as long as I can remember… READ MORE


Why Fewer People Believe In ScienceWhy Fewer People Believe In Science – Brad Hirschfield

The fact that only 33% of Americans believe in evolution – that according to a Pew survey conducted earlier this year, and in line with past years’ results – may be disturbing enough, but additional research shows that this is just the tip of a much larger iceberg… READ MORE


George TakeiScience, Success and More: Must-Read Links – TWD

Every week on The Wisdom Daily, we bring you our favorite reads from sources around the web. Topics on this week’s list include appreciating a variety of talents, strength and bravery in teamwork, the challenge of recognizing happiness… READ MORE




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