On The Wisdom Daily this week (Nov. 23-27), we took a closer look at what we can really learn about ourselves from a Facebook quiz, does fundraising for one thing take away from others, how to give yourself a break on Thanksgiving and more. Did you grow wiser this week? We hope The Wisdom Daily played a part.
Is Any Holy Book Worth $100,000? – Brad Hirschfield
If you suddenly had an extra $100,000, what would you do with it? Would you pay off outstanding debts for education or on your credit cards? How about getting out from under your mortgage? Gifts to those you love? Save for the future or give to causes… READ MORE
What Our Most Used Words Say About Us – Geoff Mitelman
Every so often, people’s Facebook feeds explode with a new viral sensation — a personality quiz, an ice-bucket challenge, a changed profile background. The most recent fad is a quiz to let you see a word cloud of your “most used words” on Facebook… READ MORE
Letters, Life Partners, Looking for Answers: Must-Read Links – TWD
Every week, we bring you our favorite reads from sources around the web. Topics on this week’s list include a memoir by Mary-Louise Parker in the form of thank you letters, the journey to picking your life partner, writing as a way to find answers… READ MORE
A Thanksgiving Message That’s Good Year-Round – Brad Hirschfield
Here’s a piece of Thanksgiving advice that’s actually useful before, during and after the holiday. And it’s advice you’re not likely to hear anyplace else: Don’t worry about gratitude and thankfulness on Thanksgiving… READ MORE
Here at The Wisdom Daily (TWD), we feature spiritual insights on daily life, designed to help improve and enhance our relationships with ourselves, our families and the world around us.