Stop Telling Me To Ignore My Pain

Writing from the hospital where they are examining the tumors in the brain of an 11 year old boy close to his heart, Brad Hirschfield demands the world stop telling him to look on the bright side.

VIDEO: Is The UK Really Independent After Brexit?

After an historic vote in the UK whether to leave or remain in the EU, Rabbi Brad Hirschfield considers what it means to have independence, to be dependent, and whether there is room for interdependence. Whatever your views on Europe “this as an opportunity to improve on our relationships, whether national, international or personal.”

Listen To The Names Of The Victims First

As the country reels from the shooting at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida over the weekend that left 49 innocent people dead, Brad asks that we take the time to let our hearts break in an effort to reflect and get out of our “ideological cul-de-sacs” in order to see a way forward.