Announcing The Wisdom Daily’s Two New Podcasts!

This is a big moment for The Wisdom Daily. Since we launched, we’ve dreamed of launching a podcast.  Podcasts have incredible power.  The ability for people to hear the intonation of the speakers, to have a conversation with others, and to have a virtually unlimited time to record allows podcasts to add a level to digital media that allows for far more nuance and depth.

I suppose it was our excitement in this new format that has inspired us to launch not just one, but two new podcasts.  Both feature a writer you’ve most likely seen on these pages quite a bit: Brad Hirschfield, president of Clal and executive editor of The Wisdom Daily.

The first one is called Cracking The Echo Chamber, and its goal is to do exactly that: get us to push our inner boundaries to start examining the world from beyond our comfort zone. Every month, Brad and I will speak with a guest who either tries to get others to crack their echo chamber or who will aid the audience in doing so by virtue of who they are.

You can hear our introductory “Episode 0” where we discuss what this podcast is all about and why we’re launching it here:

And you can hear our first episode, with Salaam Bhatti, national spokesperson for the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, where he discusses a program called #MeetAMuslim, below:

And stay tuned for Episode 2 with Emily Shire, who recently wrote a piece in the New York Times about the difficulty in being both a feminist and a Zionist.

Our second podcast, 6 Minutes With Brad Hirschfield, is exactly what it sounds like: a short exploration into the topics Brad tends to love digging into in order to find their spiritual wisdom.  Politics and culture are what infuse this podcast, but which in no way define it.

We will be sharing these with transcripts as they launch, but for now you can hear his first three episodes below:

We will be posting all of these individually as well! So stay tuned.  And please, if you are interested in either of these podcasts, remember to subscribe and give us a review.  And, of course, make sure to reach out. We’d love to hear your thoughts.


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